Thursday, 7 April 2011

Celebrity desk status!

Celebrity desk status…
Okay so what happens when someone simply gets bored and makes a blog about office types and sends it to a few of their friends? It gets sent to everyone who works in an office… I have had quite a few people asking me which type they are… Surely it is not for me to decide…. I think we all secretly know what we are… Although I have been told that I have not put myself in here so here it is according to one of the readers…

The office observer.
She sits at the desk pretending to work on a really complex project… Alternatively she is writing notes while wearing her headset at the desk. She is listening to people debating complex issues and chewing a carrot which is annoying the hell out of the people trying to solve the world’s problems… What she is actually doing is watching everyone’s moves. Stereotyping them and posting them on a blog that will be sent to all the offices… She is slightly mysterious, clever at watching people, has probably studied some kind of psychology and appears to be working hard… How busted is that?
It seems I have competition. The observer is being observed.

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